Examples of our editing process

We edit very thoroughly, examining every word you write to make certain that the work you present is clear, accurate, and professional. We won’t impose our style on your work; instead, we help you communicate professionally in English.

We generally edit in Microsoft Word and use the Track Changes feature. You’ll be able to accept or reject the changes we’ve made, read the comments and questions, and integrate our suggestions into your document. We can also edit LaTex files in Overleaf, which will usually take us a little longer and will therefore raise the price slightly.

As you can see in the example below, our editing is very rigorous. When obvious changes such as typos and verb agreements need to be made, we will go ahead and make those edits directly. Often however, the changes needed are a question of style or flow. In those cases we’ll give suggestions for alternate phrases, or ask for clarification.

While it can seem overwhelming to receive a document with so many edits, comments, questions, and suggestions, we’ll help you through the process, and we are confident that you’ll be pleased with the results.